July 7, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Workouts Strength

8 Reasons to Love Oatmeal

 8 Reasons to Love Oatmeal

January is National Oatmeal Month! Oatmeal might just be the perfect food. It’s easy to make, tastes good, and can be used in any number of recipes. Whether it’s your go-to morning fuel or a quick mid-day snack, there are plenty of reasons to love oatmeal!


Not convinced?


Here are eight more reasons that will have you adding oatmeal to your diet:


1. Low in Calories

One 1/2 cup of oatmeal contains only 150 calories!

2. High in Fiber & Protein

One cup of oatmeal contains 4 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein (one of the highest levels of protein found in a grain).


3. Stabilizes Blood Sugar Level

The fiber levels found in oatmeal help control blood sugar levels and slow down digestion time, prolonging the absorption into the bloodstream.


4. Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Oatmeal is also a good source of magnesium which helps regulate the body’s insulin and glucose levels.


5. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Oats contain a fiber known as beta-glucan which has been proven in numerous studies to have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels.


6. Helps Athletic Performance

Oats are a slow-digesting carbohydrate that provides long-lasting energy – which makes for a great pre-workout meal. 


7. Safe for Those That Can’t Consume Gluten

Those with an allergy to gluten can consume certified gluten free oats.


8. Keeps You Full

Since oatmeal is full of fiber, it stays in the stomach longer and helps you feel fuller for longer, preventing the mid-morning snack urge.





• The less processed the oats, the more fiber and health benefits can be gained. Avoid the instant oatmeal and opt for rolled or old-fashioned oats and add in the flavor of your choosing.


• Add-ins:

Toasted or Roasted Nuts

Nut butters such as peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew butter 

Fresh fruit such as apples, blueberries, bananas, or strawberries

Dried fruits such as cranberries or raisins

Chia or Flax Seeds 

Dark Chocolate Chips 

Shredded Coconut

Spices such as ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, or ground cloves


Check out our Oatmeal Protein Shake, Oatmeal Applesauce Muffin, Overnight Oats, and Upgraded Oatmeal recipes for an idea of how you can get more oats in your diet!


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