July 7, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Celebrity Instagrams

Kevin Hart Showing Off in the Gym Is the Hilarious Struggle All Fitness Couples Can Relate To

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A post shared by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real)

Kevin Hart may be a big-time Hollywood actor, but he totally gets us, and his morning workout with his wife Eniko Parrish is a struggle we can all relate to. We’ve all been there, whether we want to admit it or not, trying to look good or show off for someone at the gym, but it doesn’t always go according to plan. Luckily, Kevin didn’t wipe out on the treadmill or drop a weight on his foot, but his wife definitely did not notice him trying to go extra hard during a set of seated cable rows.

“When ur trying to show off by lifting heavy in front of your wife & she forgot to pay attention ????,” Kevin captioned the Instagram photo above.

Kevin is constantly flexing on Instagram, showing off his high-intensity workouts and we love how hard he works in the gym, but Eniko’s reaction is pure gold. Sorry, Kevin, she’s too busy doing her own set!

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